Become a Better Finisher!

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As players begin to develop and work on their skill-sets this summer, let’s talk about becoming a better finisher! Finishing is a skill, players of all-levels (Youth, High School, College and Professional) must learn and continue to develop. To help you get better around the basket, here are three things to work on that can make you a better finisher.

3 Ways to Become a Better Finisher!

  1. Posture/Burst

    • “If we don’t start right, we don’t have a chance to finish right.”

  2. Chin on the Rim

    • “Run through your finish and win the race.”

  3. Three E’s

    • Eyes, Extend & Explode

“Finishing is something we can get better at, faster!” - Phil Beckner.

If you improve in any one of these three areas, you can become a better finisher. If you improve in all three of them and practice them consistently, you should see big increases in your finishing ability.